
「科学者の要るのは始めのうちだけです。 … いかに巧みに運用して大きな事業をやるか、それは政治家でなくては駄目なんです。科学が政治を征服することは絶対にありませんが、政治はいつも科学を征服しています … 政治家でなければ、いちいち国の能率を本当に十二分にあげることは不可能ですよ。科学は政治家に征服されてこそ、真の偉力を発揮するのです」
—Unno, Juza
"Talking about something paranormal is just a way of discussing something you don't properly understand . . . yet. ... In the end, the idea all becomes part of what's normal."
"That's what everything we do is about—turning paradox into orthodox."
—James Hogan
—Nisio, Isin
Whether you believe in the Greek Gods or not, avoiding hubris still is a pretty reasonable approach. You don’t need to believe in Divine Intervention to understand why excessive pride is dangerous. Pride is the blindness that comes with power.
—Oliver Reichenstein
—Kimura, Shuhei
Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.
—Hermann Hesse
—Mori, Hiroshi
One of the penalties of any kind of success is to have the jackals snapping at your heels. They don't hate you because you're bad. They say you're bad because they want to hate you.
—Raymond Chandler